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The Moose Family

That morning of June was cool, dry and sunny. Birds were singing their hearts out and Mila could not resist but go down to the beach with binoculars to watch for Canadas on the other side of the lake. None were on the horizon. She had seen several flocks over the last few weeks but now probably all the couples were taking care of their ducklings somewhere in Baffin Island. She moved the powerful 50 x 10 Zeiss binoculars horizontally towards the  swamp area where the Blue Heron sometimes lays her eggs. Nothing… Uups!  All of a sudden she spotted a most extraordinary view of a massive male Moose eating the yellow lilies that were starting to appear on the surface of the low waters at the head of the lake.

Instantly she packed the binoculars, grabbed the red canoe and paddled as quickly as she could to see her good friend Pierre, who lived three cottages down the lake. At 6:00 AM the chances of finding him awake were quite small. She landed the canoe on the beach and quickly went to the front window where Pierre’s bed was. She threw a pebble to the window without breaking it. The sound was equivalent to a hummingbird smashing against the reflecting landscape of a wide window. After a minute or two the window opened and Pierre whispered: “Mila, it is so early… what is up?”.

“Quickly!, get dressed and bring your digital camera. There is a huge Moose in the swamp area. I cannot wait to talk to him at short distance.”

“OK, OK. I will be down in two minutes.”

“Pierre, I want to talk to Elky the Moose. As you know we have to close our eyes and say the secret word aloud”.  Raising their voice they said: “Naturageist. Open your gates”. Instantly the two young people started sensing not only animal sounds but also trees, plants and flowers who greeted them.

The paddles were totally silent when cutting the cold surface of the water, so that the canoe would move like a ghost without a murmur. Only the back of the canoe would leave small waves as a result of the movement forward.

It took ten minutes to reach the outskirts of the swamp area. The male Moose, facing the upcoming threat, made a rough noise and mother Moose and one cub appeared behind jumping onto the water. His front legs were ready to run and charge. The canoe was at 30 m. distance from the large animal who would not have had a chance if a poacher had been the one visiting the place. But Moose are known for their bravery, particularly when young cubs are being reared. Mila and Pierre slowed the canoe down to a halt as risking being charged by a male Moose was not particularly wise.

“What is your business here, in my territory? Cannot I have my family to enjoy the greenery of this hidden spot without being disturbed by Man?” asked the Moose. “Mr. Elky, our apology for the disturbance. We shall let you in peace, you and your family. But before we go we would like to take a picture of you. Also to warn you that yesterday we heard poacher shots in the neighborhood.”

“Thanks, children, for the warning. You can take as many photos as you wish. Enjoy your day”.

“You too. This is a Nature Reserve so you and your family should not be disturbed here. We shall return tomorrow to ensure that no one is hunting illegally.”

On the return home the only noise that was heard was a splash from a beaver’s tail too close to the canoe. Also the rodent was probably building his nest down the lake.

The photo was magnificent. The day started well. In reaching the beach the children said: “Naturageist. Close your gates”. In the same moment, only human voices could be interpreted. The nature around had returned to a silent mode.


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