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The Old Oak Tree

A woodsman named Guillaume whose hut was not far from Breeches Lake needed to cut a big tree to make some furniture for his hut, where he was living with his wife.

He saw a very healthy White Birch and he was ready to use his ax on the beautiful tree when he heard a voice:


“ Please let me live!. I am still young and have a good number of saplings behind me who will greatly suffer if I am not here”,

The man took  pity on the Birch and went to a Red Maple which looked healthy , straight and strong. He was ready to use his ax when the maple spoke in human voice:


“ Please let me live!  My saplings are still young and need my support. They will not survive without me. My sap is also used by the locals to cure many diseases”  The woodsman felt compassion for the beautiful maple tree and moved on.

He then saw a Beech, very straight and tall of at least 20 m. He was happy about his finding as beech wood is hard, with few knots and excellent for cabinet making. When he was ready to strike with his ax, the beech spoke to him:


“ Please do not kill me! I am only 20 years old and I am in my prime”  The man felt sorry for the Beech tree and moved on to other trees.


The woodsman had promised his wife that he would find a good mature tree that would allow him to cut the wood required to build a much needed clothing chest of drawers.

After much wandering around the forest,  he managed to see a huge old oak standing in an open area where a small grobe of smaller oak saplings were growing. The tree was magnificent, it had at least 40 m. in height and its diameter was no less than 1.5 m. Some of the branches were so big that were hanging close to the ground. The bark was dark and rugous. The ground was covered with hundreds of akorns, many already eaten by squirrels, skunks and beavers.


The woodsman was very hesitant to start felling the huge oak as he had the experience of previous attempts.  When he showed the ax in preparation for the job, the oak spoke:

“Hello, good fellow, I have been told by my neighbours how good a man you are, respectful and conscious of the nature around you.   But I have very good news for you. I am one of the oldest trees in this section of Breeches lake forest. Very few oaks grow here as we like open spaces and a bit of warm climate. But many saplings have been raised around me over the last 50 years. Now I feel happy with my life. Many young boys and girls have picknicked at my shadow. Many moose have riubbed their antlers on mty strong bark, many beaver, deer, squirrels and raccoons have eaten my acorns which I spread on the ground during the summer. Therefore I am happy if my trunk may serve to build beautiful pieces of furniture rather than rotting on the ground. So I will be happy to offer my wood to you as I trust that you respect the rules of the forest. Please start using your ax, and make the cut as low to the ground as you can”.


The woodsman was very surprised at hearing what the big oak said to him.

His patience and compassion for nature had paid off.  He thanked the oak with the following words:


“Dear Oak, it is an honour to cut you down as you are the most valuable tree for making furniture due to the strength of your wood and the beauty of the grain left by your rings . You are indeed old and your saplings whose smaller trunks we see around us will remember your great deeds both in summer and winter.

I will write your name Querkus1 on the top right side of the cabinet and we will remember your years of service to Mother Nature.”


With that he fell Querkus1 the old Oak Tree and went to give the good news to his waiting wife and children. The oak cabinet and dining table have been passed from father to the children and the grandchildren  and one can still see on one corner the carved name of the generous tree who decided to offer himself to Guillaume the woodsman.



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